Our Therapy Helps with


Infidelity Couples Therapy

Are you a couple seeking counselling to save your marriage and relationship after an affair and betrayal? Are you having an affair and looking for therapy as you find yourself in a position where you must make difficult choices? Has your partner been cheating on you, and you are in shock, pain, anger and simultaneously fearful of losing the person you love?

Are you feeling alone and isolated in your relationship?

After an affair, the trust within a relationship is broken, and at least one person will feel extremely wounded. Infidelity can be painfully devastating for both parties, but it does not necessarily mean the end of your relationship.

Many affairs can indeed result in a breakup, but the help of counselling can also mean a new beginning, reconnection and renewal.

The incidence of infidelity has been rising in the last decade. Cheating, having an affair or betrayal sometimes happens within an already-existent relational context: dissatisfaction, midlife crises, issues with intimacy or a search for what seems to be missing in the relationship.

More often than not, affairs do not happen because of lack of love: it might be that one partner seeks excitement, fulfilment and aliveness from outside of the relationship even if they love their partner and want to stay in the relationship.

It takes two people to create a pattern, but only one to change it. Sometimes the hardest thing to come to terms with is a mutual acceptance of responsibility.

Leone Centre offers both individual relationship therapy and couples counselling after an affair in London and UK-wide via our online counselling services:

In the aftermath of an affair, your first marriage is over. Would you like to create a second one together?

After the inevitable shock, you may come to counselling as you have decided that your relationship is important and now needs your commitment and attention more than ever. After a betrayal, nothing looks the same; it is very true that there is an ending to the relationship as you know it.

Each partner might feel reactive, confused, guilty, angry, stressed and fearful that the relationship is over. Counsellors at Leone Centre know the high-stress levels and apprehension of a couple starting counselling after an affair, infidelity and betrayal are revealed or discovered. It might be very difficult to see the potential for a new beginning.

At Leone Centre, supportive counselling after infidelity, cheating or a betrayal can help your understanding, reframing and how to relate with each other in new ways. We can assist in helping you look to a future with integrity, mutual responsibility and choice. Re-visioning the relationship and the individuals’ needs and wants within the counselling process can help a couple recover, move forward and make informed choices towards a healthier relationship.

Relationship or couples counselling after cheating or infidelity can help you to make real and lasting changes, to heal and move forward in your relationship.

What Is Infidelity?

Issues in Counselling
  1. How can you relate to each other after an affair?
  2. Partners will have different beliefs on what infidelity entails, making it difficult to seek help or even express feelings of disappointment or insecurity. 
  3. The world around us is changing fast, including how we connect and relate with each other as the landscape of relationships continues to evolve. It may be the case that you are in a committed relationship with a partner but struggle with communication, being yourself and speaking your truths.
  4. Infidelity and betrayal is a vast, complex and subjective field, and people have different definitions of what an affair might mean. Emotional infidelity or betrayal can mean that one partner is emotionally absent and disassociated from the relationship whilst fulfilling emotional needs elsewhere, outside the marriage or relationship. There is often a common ground in the understanding of what a physical affair and sexual infidelity mean, and it will also be subjective in each relationship,
  5. Cheating can also occur online or through flirting via text messages without the unfaithful partner ever having met the other in real life. Those dissatisfied with their relationship may use online forums or chatrooms as an escape or a way to seek explicit conversation with an online partner actively. 
  6. Counselling after infidelity or an affair will help establish what both partners consider an affair. Moving forward, this sets expectations and boundaries within the relationship to ensure both partners are happy and feel safe.
  7. One partner may consider individual psychotherapy or counselling after infidelity to continue exploring jealousy, paranoia, depression or low self-esteem.
  8. Affairs can occur even in the happiest and most successful relationship. Infidelity does not necessarily mean your relationship is over, in fact, the Guardian reports that many relationships are strengthened after an affair has been discovered.

How To Survive Infidelity In A Relationship?

An affair alerts us to a preexisting condition, either a troubled relationship or a troubled person.

Both partners will need to understand what caused the affair. Counselling after infidelity can help both partners make sense of their distancing from each other and to consider the overall dynamics in the relationship.

Infidelity can have a deep knock-on effect on the confidence of both partners in the relationship; many struggles with guilt, blame, anger, resentment, denial and confusion. Suppose both partners are committed to the process and are willing to explore the catalyst or causes of an affair. In that case, it is possible to overcome the wounding of infidelity in a relationship.

Counselling after infidelity will encourage honesty and transparency. Couples are given a secure environment to share and work through what happened during the run-up and the affair. At the Leone Centre, we help both partners tell their stories and listen to each other in a supportive and constructive way.

Couples going through the emotional trials of infidelity are also likely to experience:

  • Reactiveness and anxiety
  • Self-esteem and confidence issues
  • Anger and resentment
  • Depression
  • Low libido or impotence
  • Loss of vision for their future
  • Stress-induced symptoms of other physical concerns

It may be hard to recover sexual momentum, intimate affection and vulnerability with your partner. Counselling will help both partners to be real but considerate and gentle with themselves and each other.

If irreconcilable differences exist and both partners agree that their vision, desires and what they need from the relationship are different, the Leone Centre will help you work on separation with respect and consideration for yourselves and each other. Our divorce counselling services are available to help also manage to co-parent and throughout the overall transitional process.

The Leone Centre welcomes, values and works with individuals and couples from all backgrounds, with innermost regard towards personal identity, gender, sexuality, religion, disability, culture, ethnicity and age.

For more information about counselling after infidelity and appropriate routes for moving forwards, contact the experienced team at the Leone Centre for an initial consultation.

Infidelity Counselling Online

All of our services, where applicable, are available online. To enquire about or book an online appointment for Infidelity Counselling, get in touch today. The benefits of working online with infidelity can be particularly beneficial.

Infidelity Counselling, London

To access our Infidelity Counselling in person, in our London Fulham Offices in Putney Bridge, let us know. We are easily accessible from Chelsea, Wimbledon, Battersea, Victoria, Belgravia, South West and Central London.